Advanced Technologies, Expert Implementation
Following a detailed and competitive procurement process Rongxin Huiko Electric Technology Co. Ltd (RXHK) are pleased to announce the award by Goldwind Australia of a contract for the design and supply of reactive compensation equipment for the Stockyard Hill Wind Farm.
The contract, which was signed at the end of April ’19, is for the supply of eight off ±8Mvar 33kV MaxiVar Standard™ STATCOMs and five off 33kV 25Mvar C-type harmonic filters. The reactive power equipment will support Goldwind Australia in ensuring grid code compliance for the Stockyard Hill Wind Farm. In this regard RXHK will support Goldwind Australia by providing PSSE and PSCAD models of the MaxiVar Standard™ STATCOM for approval and use by AEMO. The supplied equipment is designed and specified for Australian conditions and compliance with relevant IEC, AS and local regulations.
MaxiVar Standard™ STATCOMs under installation in Australia
About RXHK
RXHK (www.rxhk.com) has been specialising in power electronics technology since 2005. Since the management buyout of the business from Montnets Rongxin Technology Group in June 2017, the business has focused on high power drives, STATCOMs and VSC HVDC based on PP-IGBT technology.
The company is headquartered in Anshan, China, with production facilities in Anshan, China and Kolkata, India, and offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Kolkata and Manchester, UK.
About Stockyard Hill Wind Farm
The project consists of 149 approved wind turbines located approximately 35 km west of Ballarat. The Stockyard Hill Wind Farm has the potential to harness one of Victoria’s best wind resources and will provide substantial environmental, community and economic benefits, and will have the potential to power approximately 390,000 homes annually.
The project commenced construction in May 2018.
About Goldwind Australia
Established in 2009, Goldwind Australia offers comprehensive wind power solutions, including investment, construction, and operational and maintenance services.