Advanced Technologies, Expert Implementation
Luxi Back-to-Back VSC-HVDC Project is one of the supportive projects for asynchronous interconnection between Yunnan Power Grid and the main grid of China Southern Power Grid (CSG). This project employs a back-to-back transmission configuration, in which one VSC-HVDC unit (1000MW) and one conventional LCC HVDC unit (1000MW) are used in parallel. The two types of DC units are independent from each other but can cooperate with each other.
Following the Nan’ao project success, China Southern Grid awarded RXHK a contract in November 2014 for a 1GW 350kV converter, control package and related equipment, including reactor, clamps, resistors, insulators etc. Equipment manufacture completed in January 2016 with the full type test report being issued in February 2016.
Electrical installation for this project started on 28 October 2015. RXHK valves and other equipment were delivered to site in April 2016 with erection commencing in June.
Full power tests took place in August 2016 with the overall project being put into service on 29th August 2016.